The Built for Balance Newsletter

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Young african man

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#11: A Hundred Ways to Escape

Cunny as the fox is, he boasted to the cat saying, “I’ve got all kinds of tricks. For example, whenever I hear the dogs coming, I know a hundred different ways to escape.” The cat was so impressed by his cleverness and responded, “As for me, I have only one way to escape.

#10: A Memorable Month of May

About a week ago, I hosted an event to recognise the Luminary Awards’ top 20 changemakers for 2024. Here’s what that entire season taught me!

#9: Don't Let the 'What Ifs' Rule Your Life

It’s simple yet we all fall short too often.

We worry about if we’ll ever be good enough, if we’ll get the job, if we’re on the right career path, if we’ll get the promotion. Here’s how to shut out the ‘what ifs’ and focus on right now.

#8: Your Actions Speak Louder Than Words

It’s almost that time of the year when everyone goes all out to draft the most heartwarming posts to commemorate International Women’s Day. Let’s try something different this year!

#7: Should You Quit or Stay?

I decided to write to you today to help you view ‘quitting’ through a different lens. Quitting isn’t an admission of failure. It isn’t about giving up. And it definitely isn’t a setback.

#6: Whose Goals Are You Chasing After?

As you work towards hitting your goals this year, ask yourself these 4 questions to help you become more intentional and aware of the reasons behind your pursuits.

#5: Your Hobbies Are For Enjoyment!

Navigating the pressures of a capitalist economy and the relentless hustle culture can be overwhelming. That makes having hobbies a necessary aspect of our lives. But here’s the twist: should you monetise your hobbies?

#4: Small Habits; Big Outcomes

Frankly, the first mistake when building habits is over-complicating the process. Instead of setting rigid structures and failing at it, how about we just do one small thing after another?

#3: Real Leaders Aren’t Born; They Are Made

As simple as it looks, becoming a leader is a complex role to occupy. Beyond the perceived glamor, the job of a leader begins with your ability to influence others. To become an influential leader, you must first understand the difference between authority and influence. So, here’s how they differ!

#2: Build Bridges, Don’t Burn Them!

While it’s important to know when to walk away from relationships that no longer serve you, I strongly believe in the power of building healthy relationships. To build your support system, you must actively nurture relationships with these four groups of people.

#1: Even When You’re Scared, Do It Afraid!

I know you’re struggling to make up your mind on an important decision that could change the entire course of your life. You see, we all go through these moments. And as usual, fear, ‘what ifs,’ and the thought of other people’s opinions, get in our way. Here are a few suggestions to help you get past those moments.