5 Steps to Creating a Winning Sales Pitch


Quick Fact: The average attention span of a potential customer is 60-90 seconds—that’s shorter than a commercial break! This means you need to grab your customer’s attention quickly and completely with a good sales pitch. This is the secret behind creating a winning sales pitch.

What is a Sales Pitch?

A sales pitch or presentation is a collaborative conversation that identifies your potential clients’ pain points and provides a tailored solution that addresses their needs and helps them make an informed decision that benefits them.

You need to be able to show your prospective customer the value you offer in a short period, and this can be done by perfecting your pitch.

In this article, we’ll show you 5 steps to creating a winning sales pitch that will gain you customers.

How to Create the Perfect Sales Pitch

  1.  Identify your customer/audienceThis means knowing your prospective customers, their problems, pain points, and being confident that your product or service can solve their problems. Mention these things in your pitch. For example, if you created a bio-pesticide to combat army worms in farms, your ideal audience is farmers. In your pitch, state the devastating effects army worms have on plant growth, yield, and harvest.
  2. Keep your presentation concise but valuable: As mentioned earlier, your customer’s average attention span is short; introduce your product/service and address their pain points without taking too much time. However, ensure your pitch helps them discover the problem they have, position your product/service as a perfect solution, and educate them on what they stand to lose by failing to take action.
  3. Tell a story of the solution you’re providing: Share a real or practical example of how your product has addressed the exact problem your audience is facing or has faced. Using the previous example, share the story of a farmer who had a bountiful yield after using your bio-pesticide, despite previously experiencing severe crop damage.
  4. Use proven information/facts: People are naturally wary when introduced to new products or services. Start building trust by providing helpful solutions and verifiable information. That’s how consultative selling works. It’s an effective sales approach worth adopting.
  5. Give a summary and clear Call-to-Action: Wrap up your meeting by recapping all you discussed. Answer all objections intelligently, provide your contact information, and let them know the next step in the sales process. Always have a clear goal for your pitch, and create a convincing Call-to-Action accordingly.

Winning Sales Pitch Examples

If you are new to sales pitching, don’t worry, sales pitch templates can help you get started on creating the perfect presentation for your business. Here are some sales pitch templates to help you prepare your next pitch.

Want to learn more about sales? Built4Balance is hosting a workshop on sales called ‘Sales Alchemy’! Register to learn improved strategies to improve your sales performance and secure more deals without trying too hard.

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